How do I design a PD strategy? (and other answers to your professional learning questions)
Presented by Jenni
Light, Senior Manager, Insights and Strategy, Cartoon Network; John Britt,
Writer/Producer, Cartoon Network Creative Group; and Chris Rettstatt, Product
Manager, Wonder Workshop
Visit Coding & Robotics K-8
The role of school librarians has changed, and librarians in some
Oregon schools now are teaching technology, digital citizenship and more. The
state requires that school librarians also have a teaching license, a
requirement that Debbie Levy, a certified librarian in the Eugene School
District, says essentially led her to earn two master's degrees to work as a
school librarian.
Learning Tools 🏆
The Piper Computer Kit is among WIRED magazine's Top 3 tools for teaching
Computer Science.
After-school and summer programs use hands-on learning to teach STEM concepts and help students see themselves in STEM-related careers. An internship program in Philadelphia is employing high-schoolers who are studying auto mechanics at their schools to train them to fill local skills gaps.

Engaging guest speakers and subject matter experts can help add authenticity to project-based learning, according to middle-grades teacher Heather Wolpert-Gawron. In this blog post, Wolpert-Gawron shares tips to help teachers identify experts and resources from their own communities, including through museums and among parents, and how to bring them into the classroom.