Monday, July 20, 2015

Projects NOT Tests Reveal What Kids Actually Know!

Projects of this sort mean TECHNOLOGY, they simply can't be done practically without it... the Instructional Technologist as School Leader will continue to evolve as a crucial player in the success of Education....See the interesting item below from EdWeek

"N.Y.C. High School Strives for 'Authentic' Assessment

Tiffany Mungin, a graduating student from East Side Community High School, presents a long-term research project about U.S. soldiers during the Vietnam War to David Vazquez, principal at the Bronx Studio School for Writers and Artists, left, and Ben Wides, a 12th grade history teacher at East Side Community High School in New York.
Tiffany Mungin, a graduating student from East Side Community High School, presents a long-term research project about U.S. soldiers during the Vietnam War to David Vazquez, principal at the Bronx Studio School for Writers and Artists, left, and Ben Wides, a 12th grade history teacher at East Side Community High School in New York.
—Mark Abramson for Education Week
Tiffany Mungin spent many nervous weeks researching and writing her paper about the Vietnam War. Her high school graduation was on the line.
Unlike most New York state seniors, who vied for their diplomas by taking the state’s standardized tests, Ms. Mungin had to write a history research paper and an analytic essay in English/language arts. She also had to conduct an original science experiment and undertake an applied-mathematics project in order to graduate. The 18-year-old’s work would have to be evaluated by at least two teachers, and she would have to defend it in formal presentations ..."

Go to for the full article.

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