"Hamburg to institute teacher leaders next year"
"Hamburg Central is adding 39 “teacher leader” positions in the fall to serve as liaisons with administrators.
The new positions are based on elementary, secondary and district wide needs, with individual departments selecting leaders based on proven expertise in a level or content area, as well as a teacher’s capacity to support district-level and building-level instructional goals. The teacher leaders, who will be teachers already in the district, also will work with their colleagues to identify staff development needs.
“We are fortunate that our teachers continue to work cooperatively with us, and that we have been able to come together to strengthen the collaboration and communication on curriculum, assessment and instructional matters,” Superintendent Michael Cornell said.
“Teacher leadership is a critical element in student achievement,” said Colleen Kaney, assistant superintendent for student services, curriculum and instruction.
The School Board, during a special meeting Monday, approved a memorandum of agreement between the district and the Hamburg Teachers Association creating the positions for the 2015-16 school year.
There will be 10 leaders in the high school, 10 in the middle school, 16 at the elementary level and three district wide. The teachers will earn a stipend of $1,600.
Areas for the leaders include English language arts, library media center, academic intervention services, math, science, social studies, special education, language other than English, music, art, business, technology, physical education, health, family and consumer sciences, prekindergarten, kindergarten, psychologists, counselors, social workers and related services..."
Read the full article at its source: http://www.buffalonews.com/city-region/hamburg/hamburg-to-institute-teacher-leaders-next-year-20150624
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